- Username:
- Harkin
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 38
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- Hello
- About yourself:
- Easy, simple and easy going person
- Looking for:
My soul mate someone the serious minded and someone we can both share our thought together and also have a brighter future together in happiness and joy and no matter whom comes my way age doesn’t really matter what matter most is where our heart find peace and comfort
Heerenveen Singles - Nederlandse Dating in Netherlands
Dutch dating site & dating app for singles meet online. Here are a list of single women and men who recently logged in or registered at this Dutch online dating app resided in Heerenveen of Netherlands. To view and chat singles at Heerenveen, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet then please click on Sign up button above.
- Username:
- Casey12
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 25
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- 15664
- About yourself:
- Good with my self and carving
- Looking for:
Husband looking for a good husband that's gonna takebshsnhskwhdnsjwnsvbdhsbs
- Username:
- Hayet
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 26
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Firstline:
- 0414149
- About yourself:
- I'm seriously boy
- Looking for:
I Like lovely girl and seriously
So no problem about age for 20-35 ages
- Username:
- Lomidrevo
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 27
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Firstline:
- Yea
- About yourself:
- I’m me and that’s all I can say
- Looking for:
Dňa 25.4.2018 som v škole v prírode pri penzióne vo Vysokých Tatrách blízko Turzovky potkol svojho najlepšieho kamaráta z detstva a pri páde si rozbil hlavu o kameň ktorý ležal na ceste. Nemal som to v úmysle. Nereagoval, tiekla mu zo skalpu krv a nehýbal sa, dýchal vždy pomalšie. V panike som ho udrel tým kameňom ešte raz, aby som ukončil jeho stonanie, lebo by nás mohol niekto zo spoluúčastnených spolužiakov počuť. Našiel som blízko toho dutý peň stromu, ktorý mal v sebe dieru. Chcel som ho tam skryť, aby ho niekto nenašiel a neobvinil ma z vraždy, lebo som ho naozaj nechcel zabiť. Nezmestil sa tam, tak som mu musel odtrhnúť ruky a hodil som ich k medvediemu brlohu, o ktorom nám učiteľ hovoril. Večer si uvedomili všetci jeho neprítomnosť a vyhlásili pátranie. Naša matematikárka našla končatiny pri brlohu a odvtedy už neprišla do školy, povráva sa, že má trvalú traumu a pracovnú neschopnosť. Polícia uzavrela prípad ako smrť pri útoku divej zvery. Po pár rokoch som sa tam išiel znova pozrieť, a ten strom úplne obrástol telo. Vo snoch stále vídavam ten strom a píšem tento list, aby všetci pochopili, prečo som ukončil svoj život ako pán
- Username:
- jessicad
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 38
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- single woman
- About yourself:
- I am a calm, happy, loving and very respectful woman. I like to enjoy life. I take care of myself and have a balanced and healthy life. I am looking for a man who is my other half and can win me over and steal my heart
- Looking for:
My man is ideal, he is respectful, affectionate, loyal, committed and supportive. He is a very family man, and he is willing to give his heart, his love, his affection and his loyalty to one woman. True love comes with its good and bad moments as a couple we have to have a great solid relationship that we can overcome anything and stay together just you and me and enjoy life, our love, our passion and collect wonderful moments. Can we have a chance to meet each other?
- Username:
- Felizvbn
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 32
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- With pets
- Firstline:
- About me and my photo of the network is too much t
- About yourself:
- About me and my love About me and my love
- Looking for:
Greetings to you, my name is Felicia,.
I have something important to tell you so I will be waiting to receive your message to my email
Please write to me on my private em
- Username:
- janergerber
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 45
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- I know myself very well so I can tell you that I a
- About yourself:
- How do you picture your perfect wife? Maybe sociable, emotional, rational and still romantic? The one, who will be your lover, friend and partner in good and bad times? If all the answers are yes, you are on the right way. In my life I like helping people
- Looking for:
As mentioned before, am a very active and open lady with traditional family values and I seek that man, who will share with me my aims, dreams, while the biggest one is to build our own family. As strong, as a castle. I hope to meet the man who will change my life and let me change his. Who wants happiness and to be happy. I hope he will look in my eyes and read everything there. I don't like to talk too much. I like body language, smiles, touches, like to show how I feel. Words will fade from your memory, touches will stay with you forever.
- Username:
- Gongon
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 42
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- With parents
- Firstline:
- megino362@gmail.com
- About yourself:
- Hello, my name is Efe Macaulay, I'm single, looking for my lifetime partner here,
- Looking for:
Hello I'm here looking for a woman to be my life time partner, I'm single, no kids, I live alone, I'm a building engineer, I can build houses of different pattern, I love soccer too, infact I'm a fan of Ajax of Amsterdam....
- Username:
- Nora553
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 37
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- Are you the one
- About yourself:
- Looking for relatyionship
- Looking for:
I am looking for a relationship partner to live the rest of my life with
- Username:
- Zegabyte
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 30
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- 233541427951
- About yourself:
- Simple and soft hearted
- Looking for:
Hanging around with close friends
Watch movies especially Korea dramers
- Username:
- Christyluv7
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 29
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- I wish to know if love still exist
- About yourself:
- I consider myself to be very honest, kind, caring, sweet, gentle, generous, easygoing, great sense of humor, extremely romantic, passionate, affectionate, sensuous, thoughtful, considerate, loyal, faithful, trustworthy, sensitive, open minded but respectf
- Looking for:
I'm looking for a man who understand a woman and who treat people the way he want to be treated
- Username:
- WendyYue
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 36
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- lonely person
- About yourself:
- Can you add my WhatsApp: + 85252622214 or my telegram: @ wjin828 chat? Because I don't like chatting here
- Looking for:
Can you add my WhatsApp: + 85252622214 or my telegram: @ wjin828 chat? Because I don't like chatting here
- Username:
- viviaefu
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 35
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- About yourself:
- Looking for:
- Username:
- martinvanburn
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 25
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- martintvproduction@gmail.com
- About yourself:
- Perfect jfkdlqmqmapdbddu
- Looking for:
Dldldmdfkydjelzpaalzndndbdbdvfvfl skslzoapdnwidurf kdozpapao
- Username:
- Andrian
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 48
- Location:
- Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- Let's Fly without wings.
- About yourself:
- Dutch-American,Government Contractor.
- Looking for:
Something serious, honesty and transparency., maybe a partner to travel around the world together.